Check out our Episode 296 from May 31, 2023! Here are all the links we discussed in the show:
A.I. Poses ‘Risk of Extinction,’ Industry Leaders Warn (NYTimes, 30 May 2023) - Gift Link
Spotlight: AI Myths and Misconceptions (Your Undivided Attention Podcast, 11 May 2023)
The Seven Deadly Sins of AI Predictions (MIT Technology Review; 6 October 2022)
Here’s What Happens When Your Lawyer Uses ChatGPT (NY TImes; 27 May 2023) Gift Link
Google has officially stopped supporting the first-gen Chromecast (Engadget, 31 May 2023)
Good alternative: Walmart ONN Android TV Box
Ex-Googler Answers Why Google Search is Getting Worse (Search Engine Journal; 30 November 2022)
Surgeon General Warns That Social Media May Harm Children and Adolescents (The New York Times; 23 May 2023) Gift link
How to Enable Advanced Data Protection on iOS, and Why You Should (EFF, 17 May 2023)
Apple Plans to Launch More Than Just Its New Headset at WWDC (Bloomberg; 16 April 2023)
Europe is ready to crack down on loot boxes and exploitative game mechanics (PC World, 18 Jan 2023)
Loot boxes in online games and their effect on consumers, in particular young consumers (European Parliament's committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, July 2020)
Jason’s Geek of the Week: NOLEJ AI
Wes’ Geek of the Week: GIS for CLT (Wakelet) and
Here are the links which made our show notes Google Doc, but we didn’t have time to discuss:
Microsoft Says New A.I. Shows Signs of Human Reasoning (NYTimes, 16 May 2023) #GiftLink
Sparks of Artificial General Intelligence: Early experiments with GPT-4 (Microsoft Research, March 2023)
Google I/O and the Coming AI Battles (Stratechery, 15 May 2023)
Can we count on the government to do something about AI? (Vox; 16 May 2023)
AI poses risk to humanity, according to majority of Americans in new poll (ArsTechnica, 17 May 2023)
It’s Not Just About ChatGPT. Other AI Technologies Are Heading to Schools (Education Week; 9 May 2023)
How Do We Ensure an A.I. Future That Allows for Human Thriving? (New York Times; 2 May 2023)
How Google is branding AI: Sparkles, Duet, and ‘generative’ (9 to 5 Google; 16 May 2023)
Pew: 60% of U.S. Twitter users have ‘taken a break’ from the platform in the past year (TechCrunch; 17 May 2023)
Apple’s new ‘Personal Voice’ feature can create a voice that sounds like you or a loved one in just 15 minutes (9to5Mac, 16 May 2023)
Image attribution: “Apple HomePod #WWDC17” (CC BY 2.0) by nobihaya